Mittwoch, 2. Juli 2014

Rolf Kluenter / China

Rolf A. Kluenter unterrichtet an der STA-Shanghai Theatre Academy School of Creative Studies. Kluenters künstlerische Praxis umfasst Malereien auf nepalesischem Büttenpapier und Objekte, die aus diesem Papier gemacht werden, sowie Leinwandmalerei und Fotografie. Er erweitert seine Arbeit mit einer Reihe von Installationen, die er mit Objekten, Performance und Video kombiniert. Kluenters Filme integrieren verschiedene künstlerische Disziplinen. Sie kommentieren die Medien Film, Performance, Fotografie, Musik, Theater, Malerei und Skulptur. Er verflechtet sie zu einer poetischvisuelle Sprache in audio-visuellen „Bewegten Bildern“.

Rolf A. Kluenter teaches at the Shanghai Theatre Academy (STA) School of Creative Studies. Kluenter's visual works include paintings on Nepalese handmade paper and objects made of that paper, works on canvas and photography. He developed a series of installations combined with objects, performance and video. Kluenter’s films incorporate different artistic disciplines, drawing from and commenting on film, performance, photography, music, theatre, painting and sculpture, and uniting them to create a poetic visual language in audio-visual films.

柯罗夫在上海戏剧学院教授创造性学习。他的视觉作 品涵盖尼泊 尔的手工制纸技术并把它运用在帆布和摄影中。他开发了一系列 的装置,物品作品,舞台表演和录影。柯罗夫的影视作品把不同 的艺术理念和规范进行合成,并把录影,表演,摄影,音乐,戏 剧,绘画和雕塑融合在一起,形成一种在听觉感观中的带有诗意 的视觉语言。


Drifters are known as individuals who live without a real place to call their home. They wander from place to place, sometimes looking for something. Sometimes because this is the only way to get away from everything that made them become drifters in the first place. We all have our reasons for it.

Ten artists meet the challenge of discovering the separate and unite aspects of their work and views, without questioning their cultural and personal peculiarities. Shanghai becomes the focal location of heir challenge. Two lines of narratives converge during a bus drive.