The art of doodling... Tak is a fashion photographer whose rich cross-cultural upbringing inspires his unique aesthetics. Having grown up in Hong Kong and New Zealand, Tak studied Painting at the Auckland Society of Fine Art in New Zealand. Upon graduation in 1998, he relocated to London to photograph for magazines, record companies and advertising agencies, including stars such as Kevin Spacey, Shola Ama and Miss Dynamite. His portrait photography secured him the winning position of the AOP London Photographic Digital Award 2000.
我的作品都是关于人的潜意识的。我首先“选择一种此时此刻我 喜欢的颜色”,然后就灵感就向我涌来了。我有时候会意识或无 意地选择并重新安排形状、纹理和颜色。音乐通常带给我灵感。 我探索视觉表现和情感状态的复杂关系。我从混沌理论中派生的 蝴蝶效应和曼德勃罗的分形几何学中汲取了灵感。
Christopher Tak